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Role/ performance
Global marketing transformation


Analysis and redesign of the global marketing process at Philips to establish a consumer-centric strategy. Development of a suitable organizational structure to efficiently implement the new process.


The internal processes and organizational structure in Philips' global marketing were not considered efficient enough. There was a need to fundamentally revise the way of working at headquarters and in the international markets and to focus more strongly on consumer insights.

Our approach

  • Organization of a two-day workshop with senior marketing managers to identify the most important challenges.
  • Preparation of a report with best practices and a project plan for implementing the transformation.
  • Conducting interviews in various markets and disciplines to incorporate the experiences and ideas of Philips experts.
  • Develop an operating model focused on consumer insights to drive efficiency and sustainable growth.
  • Presentation of the results and recommendations directly to the CEO and Board of Directors of Philips.
  • Results

  • Introduction of a consumer-centric focus in all departments of the marketing team.
  • Establishment of a centralized team for consumer research.
  • Implementation of an advanced planning process and a fully documented marketing process.
  • Creation of an omnichannel calendar for all consumer-oriented activities.
  • Optimization of marketing budgets through zero-based budgeting.
  • Introduction of an agile and efficient organizational structure that works across internal business boundaries.
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